Unless you want to install a whole load of other drivers, copy just these two files to a folder on a drive that will be available in Windows. In order to get the keyboard working I just needed AppleKeyboardInstaller64.exe and BootCamp.msi from BootCamp/Drivers/Apple.
The result was a 1.63GB file “/Users/user/BootCamp-031-24514/WindowsSupport.dmg” containing Boot Camp 6 drivers. Depending on your board that might be the CH340 or CP210x chip. This was my terminal command “/Users/user/Downloads/brigadier-0.2.2/brigadier -m iMac15,1”. Before you can program the ESP32, you need to install a driver for the USB-to-UART chip. Version 6 of Boot Camp Support Software isn't yet available on, and I ran out of patience with Boot Camp Assistant (many attempts at modifying /Applications/Utilities/Boot Camp Assistant.app/Contents/ist). Building a CustoMac Hackintosh: Buyer's Guide